April, 2010

This page is written monthly
by Harumi Okochi.
Sometimes Harumi's friends join.
We'd be happy if you look at
previous issues.


The "Hina" set of
15 dolls.

International "Hinamatsuri" in Karatsu

Hi, everyone.
You know, I belong to a group called "Karatsu Volunteer Guide". It is a group of good will language guides. On March the 7th, we had an international program of Hinamatsuri Party inviting 32 foreigners who live and work in Katratsu.
March the 3rd is the Hinamatsuri Day, but we made it on Sunday so that many people can come.
Our group members and good will citizens were almost 30 people. So 60 people got together, and had a very good time.
Please enjoy the photos.

Announcement poster

Our president Masako Tanakamaru

Let's make Sushi together.

A Korean man challenges.

An American young man joins.

American mother is a good cook.

Japanese mother helps a lot.

Chinese girls finish the "Chirashi sushi"

Vietnam children are happy too.

Kayo Urakami plays the Koto.

So, let us eat!

Chinese girls are good at Japanese.

I am explaining about the festival.

Baby singer sang Hinamatsuri song very well.

Japanese language teacher invites to her class.

Hum........ tastes so good!

Moving to another place to see many Hina dolls.

Hinamatsuri Festival at Uzumemon Yakata nearby.

Joining tea ceremony
Chinese, Korean, Philipino on one bench.

Chinese girls as Emperor and Empress.

Thank you for joining our Hinamatsuri.
Language is not a barrier at all where there are many smiles.

I hope to see you next month again.

Thank you very much for visiting this page.
I hope you will return next month.
Yours, Harumi Okochi
Proprietress of

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